A - Custom or Matrix Report Selection
This button allows you to toggle between custom reports and matrix reports. Please see the matrix report section for more information. Matrix Reporting
B - Edit / View Reports
By default, View will be selected allowing you to select a report and view the data. If you need to edit the report, selecting the Edit button will allow you to do so.
C - Search Reports
At times a TreeKeeper may include a significant amount of reports where scrolling through looking for the one you need may not be helpful. Included in the report builder is a search tool allowing you to look up the name of a report in the system. Next to it is the collapse/expand button, allowing you to close or open all sections. Each section can collapse expand separately by clicking on the title bar. The last button in the row filters to reports only visible to you, traditionally these are ones created yourself.
D - Report Group and Listing
All the reports in the system will appear in this list for you to view if available. The icons next to the report name help indicate the permissions available for each report and who it is visible to.
E - Add Report
When you need to create a report, the Add Report button will kick off the process. Please see out Creating a Report page for more information on the process of building on these: Creating a Custom Report
F - Report Window Tools
Tho two buttons in the upper right corner offer options for popping out the report builder in a new window on the left, and closing the report builder on the right.