While previous Transfer Values could only be configured as soft transfers, they can now be configured as hard transfers as well!
Soft Transfers
Values from the source layer will auto-populate the target layer attribute allowing the user to override the value being transferred
The address number and street name within a Parcels source layer will auto-populate the address and street attributes of your Trees layer. If the address number in the Parcels layer is wrong, the user can enter the correct value within the add/edit site form in your Trees layer. This transfer will not affect any other layer.
Hard Transfers
Values from the source layer will auto-populate the target layer attribute. The user cannot override the values being transferred, and the values from the source layer will broadcast down to any child target layer(s) ensuring the values shared between them always match.
The address number and street name within a Parcels source layer will auto-populate/update the address and street attributes of your Trees layer. If the address number in the Parcels layer is wrong, the user must correct the value in the Parcels layer. This correct value will automatically update the address assigned in your Trees layer.
If an additional Violations layer is configured as receiving address information from your Trees layer, the address information that transferred from the Parcels layer to your Trees layer will automatically update the address information within the Violations layer.