Release Notes 2019.08.26

Aug 27, 2019

Overview of New Features / Improvements

Dashboard Charting Improvements

The prior charting engine had some functional limitations that we wanted to improve upon. The new charting engine provides all the functionality of the old one, but also provides the following:

  1. Larger Charting Canvas

  2. Improved Legend

  3. Menu with additional options

  • Ability to see the source table for the chart

  • Ability download the chart as a JPG, PNG, SVG, or PDF.

  • Ability to download the underlying data as a CSV or XLS

  • Ability to open the chart in “full screen mode”, presenting greater detail.


Bug Fixes & Quality of Life Updates:

Issue ID


Issue Description


Admin Center / Permissions

Corrected an issue with the UI when marking a user as “Read Only” or “No Rights” against a layer and how the “Allow Global Edits” check mark was displayed but actually deactivated. A user must have at least edit rights to be able to conduct global edits.


Admin Center / Permissions

Corrected an issue with granting admin rights to a layer denying a non-admin user from using the mass edit options for Work Records


Matrix Reports

Corrected an issue when mapping the results of a Matrix report on a street field related to the enabling of better support for very large street lists



Grid’s filter options would falsely include values that had a substring that matched the searched value. For example “Office” would also include “Campus Office” results.


View Site Modal

Corrected the MailTo:// link for a view site to be compliant with Microsoft Outlook


Release Summary


Release Version

Release Date

Number of Issues Resolved



