Documents and Photos

Documents and Photos

TreeKeeper allows users to attach documents and photos to Sites and Work Records. This helps retain information about permits, storm damage, pests, diseases, and treatments.

Uploading Documents and Photos


While viewing a Site’s Information, the Upload Files button will be on the left-hand side of the screen below the Site Classes.

TreeKeeper accepts the following file types:
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .csv, .zip, .mov, .mp4, .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .tiff, .gif

The file size limit is 100MB per file.


After selecting the Upload Files button if you are on a computer the File Explorer window will open.

If you are on a mobile device, iPhone, iPad, Android phone, or Android Tablet, the device will prompt you if you want to take a new photo, select a photo from your gallery, or choose a file.

You have to give your web browser permission to access the camera or your photos before you can upload files.

When uploading you can select multiple documents and photos to upload all at the same time.




Work Record

While viewing a Work Record, you can upload documents and photos by scrolling down to the Documents section.



Viewing Documents and Photos


To view any documents or photos associated with a Site you can simply view the site. The photos and documents will be shown on the left-hand side below the Classes.

Here you can view and edit a few things about the documents or photos associated with the site.

If there are multiple documents or photos, there are 2 ways to navigate through them. First is by using the arrows on the left and right side of the document or photo. This will go through the documents one by one. The other way is by selecting the “dots” at the bottom of the preview. This will jump to that document.

If the file is a photo it will be displayed in this area, if it is a document it will have a generic “file” image shown. Clicking the image will open a new tab showing the full size image. If you click on a document file, what happens next depends on what type of file it is. Most will open a new tab and download the file. Text files will open the file in your browser.

Below the document preview window is the document info. It will have the document name, the user that uploaded it and when it was uploaded.

Next, we have the different document tools.

  1. Rotate Images: The first option will rotate it counter-clockwise and the second clockwise.

  2. Favorite Document: This will set the image as a favorite document. [See Favoriting a Document below for more information]

  3. Guest Access: This will give guest users access to this document. [See Guest Access Below for more information]

  4. Download: This will download the document and save it to your device.

  5. Delete: This will mark the document as inactive so it can’t be viewed anymore. The document is still available and Support can restore it if it was accidentally deleted.





There are a few icons that can appear near the Document Info.

  1. Gold Star: This document is a favorite document

  2. Globe: This document is visible to guests.

  3. Chainsaw: This document is associated with a work record, this is actually a button and will take you directly to the associated work record.


Work Record

To add documents to a work record, you will need to view the work record and scroll to the bottom of the page.

The last section will allow you to upload documents and will also show any documents currently uploaded to that work record.



Bulk Upload Documents and Photos

All Bulk upload capabilities is done through the Grid.


To bulk upload a document to multiple sites, you must first make a selection or complete a search of the sites you want to upload the documents to.

  1. Expand the grid and queue the sites.

  2. Select the Global Document Upload icon from the grid tools.

  3. Select the document you want to upload and submit.

Work Record

To bulk upload a document to multiple work records, functions much the same as the sites. The only thing different is you need to be in the work grid.

  1. Expand the grid and switch to the work grid.

  2. Queue the work records you want to upload the document to.

  3. Select the Global Document Upload tool.

  4. Select the document and submit it.


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