New Feature Preview: Updated Work Record View!


Our development team has been working for the last few months on updating the look and feel of Work Records.

These new changes can be enabled for your system before the full release so you and your team can test it out and use it with your workflow.


When enabled, there will be a new icon when viewing a site. A chainsaw icon with “New!” under it.

This button will take you to the new work record view.

Once the new work record view is fully released the icons will be updated and users will only have access to the New Work Record view.

The Current and New Work Record view icons

Current Work Record List


New Work Record List



Viewing a Work Record

Work Record List

More information can now be seen at a glance, and the status icon has been expanded!

Previously the listing of work records would only have the Work Type and Status Date. Now it also contains the Crew for that work record. The items have also been placed in line so the work record items take up less space allowing more records to be listed.

The status icon was originally a small circle, now it is the left section of the work list item.

Current Work Record List

New Work Record List

Work Record Information

The attributes have been reorganized. Species, DBH, or Condition for the tree/site has been brought to the top of the view. Work Orders have been moved before the Project field. Comments and documents have more prominent headers and each section can be collapsed or expanded. If you want more information shown at once, you can also update how many columns (1-5) show for the work record.



Add/Edit Work Record

  1. The New Work Record edit page moves the Species/DBH/Condition to be within the list of attributes.

  2. A new visual style for uneditable attributes and required attributes has also been added.


  1. Status and Crew sections have been pulled into separate headers to help distinguish these fields

  2. NEW! When adding/editing a work record you can now upload documents!

Mobile Automatic Scrolling

Now when viewing work records on a smaller screen, i.e. phones. The work records when selected will automatically scroll down to that work record’s information.


This revamped Work Record View is currently in customer testing, if you want to try it out before the full release let the TreeKeeper Support team know by email!