Quick Search


The Quick Search box in the top-left corner of TreeKeeper allows you to quickly search addresses or locations via Google, as well as run simple searches on your inventory data without having to open the more expansive Search tool.


Address Lookup

Entering an address or name of a park/landmark and then clicking “Address Lookup” from the dropdown of options presented does NOT search your inventory data. Instead it uses Google’s search function (just like searching the same information on http://maps.google.com ). It will zoom, center and place a flag on the resulting map location without affecting your data grid or selected sites.

This can be especially handy when you’re looking to add a site at a certain location. You can search the address using address lookup, and then use the Add Site tool to place a new point in the resulting location.

Searching Inventory Data

In addition to the Address Lookup option, text entered will produce a list of attributes in your inventory data having that value assigned.

Once you click which attribute you want searched, the results will populate your set of selected sites on the map and in your Data Grid.