This release focused mainly on making improvements to available work data attributes, continuing our work towards implementing data upload interface options while also adding some client-specified customization options. New features are the inclusion of “Work Remote ID”, the ability to configure a custom login message, two additional valid file formats for attaching site documents, and a custom login duration allowance.
The “Work Remote ID” Attribute
While our last release rolled out a “Work ID” attribute which is akin to the “Site ID” attribute of an individual site, “Work Remote ID” has been rolled out with this release (akin to “Remote ID” at the site-level). While “Work ID” is an auto-incrementing non-editable numeric work record identifier, “Work Remote ID” is an editable alphanumeric identifier that can be used as a key between records within different applications.
The inclusion of “Work Remote ID” will not only facilitate adding more robust upload/download data capabilities in the future, but also provide a versatile framework for the development of third party software data integrations.
“Work Record ID” can be enabled by any administrative user via the Admin Center’s “Permissions Management” link.
Custom Login Message
A custom message can now be presented once a user logs in.
A client requested that a disclaimer be presented about unauthorized access to anyone logging into their TreeKeeper system. Now that we’ve accommodated their request, it’s up to our client’s imaginations as to what they may want to include as their login message.
Please contact the Support Team if you’d like to request a custom login message.
Attach Video Files to Sites
.mpeg and .avi video files have now been added to the list of valid file formats that can be uploaded to a site.
Custom Login Duration Allowance
TreeKeeper forces the logout of a user after eight hours by default as a security measure and to ensure accurate login logging. At a client’s request, we can now set a forced logout relative to a specified logged-in duration.
Some clients feel that an 8 hour duration is a security concern, while others feel that too sort of a duration is disruptive to operations.
Please contact the Support Team if the 8 hour time limit needs adjusted to meet your needs.
Bug Fixes & Quality of Life Updates:
Key | Epic | Summary |
TK8-437 | Search Data Improvements | Added ability to search sites based on the botanical and common genus values assigned within Species Management |
TK8-2181 | View Site Improvements | Removed decimal point and trailing numbers that were showing on View Site modal |
TK8-2180 | Printables | Fixed issue of duplicate information being stacked upon multiple “Print Menu” button clicks |
TK8-2177 | Customization Improvements | Added ability to show custom log-in message per client. |
TK8-2174 | Admin Center | Addressed issue where work record creation couldn’t be removed from a rule |
TK8-2155 | Work Data Improvements | Added “Work Remote ID” as an available editable work record attribute |
TK8-2149 | Work Data Improvements | Added “Caller Classification” attribute option to Data Grid and Report Builder |
TK8-2141 | Coding/Framework Improvements | Fixed issue where Coldfusion was falsely interpreting Boolean settings as strings. |
TK8-1260 | Work Data Improvements | Lengthened work record list boxes for easier list navigation |
TK8-236 | Work Data Improvements | Work order will now revert to Edit form if deletion is cancelled |
TK8-113 | Map Improvements | Added a map tool that will revert the map to it’s initial zoom level |
TK8-2184 | Data Transfer Improvements | Designed login form for integrating ArcGIS project data transfers |
TK8-2116 | Data Transfer Improvements | Added ability to save and load previous field mappings for data uploads |
TK8-2176 | Customization Improvements | Added ability to set logout duration for inactive users on site by site basis |
TK8-2162 | Document Upload Improvements | Added .avi, .mpg, and .mpeg to list of valid document file types |
Release Summary
Release Version | Release Date | Number of Issues Resolved |
1.67.0 | 2020.02.11 | 15 |
This release focused mainly on adding capabilities that will further enhance the future functionality of TreeKeeper while also addressing any reported bugs or errors encountered by users of the software.
One brand new feature in this release includes the ability to search, export, and report on a “Work ID” attribute. Progress has also continued on adding the ability to upload data form various external applications.
The “Work ID” Attribute
Users can now quickly reference individual work requests via the newly integrated “Work ID” attribute. Akin to the “Site ID” attribute of an individual site, the “Work ID” is a unique identifier for each instance of work (work record) created in the system. While a forester may have previously needed to provide multiple values (address, crew, work type, scheduled date, etc.) to relay a particular work record to a colleague, they’re now able to do so by providing a single Work ID value instead.
The inclusion of “Work ID” will also facilitate adding more robust upload/download and data conversion capabilities as well as aid in the development of robust third party software data integrations.
“Work ID” can be enabled by any administrative user via the Admin Center’s “Permissions Management” link.
Related Feature Link (Transfer Values) For Soft Transfers
Our Transfer Values component provides a source/target relationship between features on two separate TreeKeeper map layers. Attributes of a newly added site (target layer) can be auto-populated based on the values assigned to the nearest (source layer) feature.
Transfer Values can be configured as either ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ transfers.
“Soft” transfers allow a user to change the value automatically assigned on the add/edit form.
“Hard” transfers require a user change the associated source layer’s feature if the value being auto-populated on the add/edit form needs changed.
Transfer Values can be configured between two editable data layers, or an editable layer and reference layer (such as a “Parcels” or “Council Districts” basemaps)'
When Transfer Values have been configured between two editable data layers, a link is available on the “View Site” form which allows a user to quickly reference the “View Site” form of its source feature.
While previously only hard transfers offered the Related Features link, soft transfers do now as well.
Bug Fixes & Quality of Life Updates:
Key | Epic | Summary |
TK8-1348 | Work Data | Incorporated “Work ID” as an available attribute within TreeKeeper |
TK8-2151 | Transfer Values | Added related features link while viewing sites with ‘soft’ Transfer Values configured |
TK8-2142 | Quick Filters | Addressed bug where park-style geographic attributes were not populating search form while applying/editing saved Quick Filters |
TK8-2098 | Printables | Fixed Data Grid Print option error when no specific class option was selected |
TK8-2131 | Data Transfer | Created JSON mapping between ArcGIS and TK8 attributes for integration of native data conversion upload capabilities |
TK8-2134 | Data Transfer | Added data-type validations for integration of native data conversion upload capabilities |
TK8-2115 | Data Transfer | Success and failure messages configured for integration of data upload capabilities |
Release Summary
Release Version | Release Date | Number of Issues Resolved |
1.66.0 | 2020.01.28 | 7 |