Viewing Benefits
To access the Tree Benefits tab, on the main Treekeeper window click the '$' button on the left side of the screen. The Benefits that are shown in TreeKeeper are calculated based on the iTree Streets model and updated on a nightly basis whenever a site is changed. For more information on the iTree Streets model, visit the i-Tree website or an i-Tree forum.
Viewing Benefits per Site
Once you view a site you can hit the $ button at the top right of the Site window to view a breakdown of the sites benefits. In this panel you are provided with information involving the trees Water Benefits, Greenhouse Gas Benefits, Energy Benefits, Air Quality Benefits, Property Benefits and the site's Total Yearly Eco Benefits.
of a Single Site
When viewing a site, you can click the icon in the top-right of the Site Information window to view the Tree Benefits Information for that individual site.
Viewing Total Benefits of Multiple Sites
Begin by selecting the sites of interest on the map. This can be done by running a search or quick filter, Showing Checkmarked Sites in a report, or using a map tool.
Once the desired sites are selected, open the Benefits panel and you will see the total number of Selected Sites shown just below the number of Calculated Trees. As long as sites are selected, the ecological and economical benefit values will be reflecting the running total for the selected sites only.
To view the benefits for the whole inventory again, clear your map selection.