Results Table

Results Table

The Results Table displays data computed from the Plant tab. This section will describe each one as they relate to the user experience.

Data Attributes: Data collected from the canopy study and also includes projections.

Data Export: Allows users to export Planting results and table data into a CSV or PDF.

Data Panel: Toggles between the Resources and Benefits (iTree).

Expand: Click to expand or collapse the table.

Feature Number: Shows how many features are being displayed from the total features.

Page: Allows users to switch to a different page to view more data.

Results Table: Detailed data analysis of current data, projected data, number of trees, and monetary resources if on the Resources tab. This table will show current and projected benefits if the Benefits table is selected from the Data Panel. 

Tab Switch: Contains tab(s) that allow the user to switch between Resources, Vacant Sites, and Species Diversity. The Species Diversity tab will only be available if tree inventory information exists. When the Resources tab is selected, it will display data for Resources and Benefits. Selecting the Vacant Site tab will allow users to see any selected vacant sites. Species Diversity will show results that include species, density, abundance, frequency, and importance value.