Recommended Mobile Devices for TreeKeeper

Recommended Mobile Devices for TreeKeeper

To ensure you have the power to handle all of TreeKeeper’s functions and provide an accurate GPS location, we recommend a mobile device that has:

  • A minimum of 8GB RAM.

  • Cellular connectivity and wifi capability.

TreeKeeper is a web-based application, meaning it can be used on any browser and any operating system, making it compatible with all of the main tablet and mobile device brands.

TreeKeeper Mobile Mode is designed to be easy to use in the field on devices with smaller screens. While the application will default to this mobile mode on devices with smaller screens, you can toggle to the Full Version (desktop mode) from the Menu if that’s what you prefer.

If you’re having issues with location inaccuracies while using TreeKeeper on a mobile device in the field, click here to explore some possible solutions.