Printing a Map from TreeKeeper

Printing a Map from TreeKeeper

To print a map of sites from TreeKeeper, you must use your device's screenshot function.

The process differs depending on the device. See below for the processes on the most common devices.

Windows 10 & 11 have a dedicated screenshot tool called the Snipping Tool.

To use the shortcut, press the Windows key + Shift + S. After pressing that key combination, the screen will darken and you can draw a rectangle around the area you want to take a screenshot of.

The screenshot will be copied to your clipboard where you can then paste it wherever you’d like.

You can increase the map size with a few tricks.

  • Decrease the zoom level from within the browser

    • This will shrink the size of the TreeKeeper data grid and control panel.

  • Fullscreen your browser

    • Most browsers have the ability to display fullscreen by pressing F11.

    • This hides the Windows bar and top of the browser.


The screenshot features vary depending on the version of Android OS and the manufacturer of the device. The most used steps are:

  • Press the Power and Volume down buttons at the same time.

  • If that doesn’t work, press and hold the Power button for a few seconds. Then tap Screenshot.


Devices without a Home button

  • Press the Lock button and the Volume Up button simultaneously.

Devices with a Home button

  • Press the Lock and the Home button simultaneously.


Devices without a Home button

  • Press the top button and either volume button simultaneously.

Devices with a Home button

  • Press the top button and the Home button simultaneously.

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