Quick Filters

Quick Filters


A quick filter is a way to search for a particular set of information, well, quickly. This is done by essentially saving a search as an easily accessible button.

Creating a Quick Filter

The first step to making a quick filter will be to run a search! After fill out your search criteria and submit the search, go back into the Search panel and you should see the Quick Filters section at the top. Click on the AddIcon.png button to save the search as a new quick filter.


This will open the Quick Filter edit form (see below) where you can name the Quick Filter, restrict it to certain users, and choose an icon for it.


Choosing Specific Groups Only when deciding who to share the Quick Filter with will allow you to pick any of the groups associated with user account security levels, as well as custom groups which can be managed by admins through Group Management.

Using a Quick Filter

Once a Quick Filter is created, you can run the filter by clicking the Select Quick Filters drop-down and choosing the desired filter.

Quick Filter Options

After running a Quick Filter, a few new options become available below.

A - Delete filter

The delete option will remove the Quick Filter from the TreeKeeper system.

B - Save filter

This button allows you to add the current search criteria into a new Quick Filter. This is particularly useful for using an existing Quick Filter as a template for creating a new one.

C - Update filter

This button will allow you to change the name, permissions, and icon of the currently selected Quick Filter.

D - Add to Homepage / Remove from Homepage

This button will toggle the Quick Filter’s availability on your homepage.

For more information on the homepage see: Home Page

E - Alert User / Remove Alert

This button will toggle whether or not this Quick Filter is an Alert Quick Filter. Choosing to Alert User not only adds the Quick Filter to the homepage, but it will add it as an alert. Alerts make the homepage open automatically when you log in if that Alert Quick Filter returns results.