Publishing a Report to the Dashboard

Publishing a Report to the Dashboard


With the advanced dashboard system, you can publish your custom reports to the dashboard.

For more information on the advanced dashboard see: Advanced Dashboard

Publishing a Report

To publish a report, you will first have to view the report you want to publish in the Report Builder. From there, you can click the Publishing button in the bottom right corner of the Report Builder.


You will then see a window pop up where you can select who you want to have access to your table, whether or not it will be visible to guests, and name your table.

  • Only You - This will only be available to yourself.

  • Everyone - All users with a TreeKeeper account will see it. This also prompts an option to allow for Guests, or non-logged in users.

  • Administrators - Only accounts with the Admin security level will see it.

You can also select either ‘Add to Homepage’ or ‘Share to Homepage for Selected Group’ which will add the dashboard report to the homepage for either just you or all users in the selected group.

Next, provide a name for the published report. It can be different than the source report.

Lastly, click Publish! and your table will be appear in your dashboard.


Publishing a Chart

You can also publish your Summary reports as charts.

To do so, go to the View tab of the report you want to turn into a chart and click View

as Chart.

Next, you’ll be presented with a page where you choose the attribute, aggregate, chart type, and top rows.

  • Attribute – The attribute the chart will be build off of. Choosing ALL for a report having multiple attributes will generate a chart with bars/slices of the pie for the unique combinations of attribute values.

  • Aggregate – How the chart will aggregate the data (typically by Count).

  • Chart Type – The type of chart that will be created (Bar, Pie, Bubble).

  • Top Rows – How many rows/slices of the pie will be displayed? Useful for large reports where you may only want to see the top 5, 10, or 25 attribute values/combinations.

Once you have these options the way that you want them, click Build Chart.

If the chart looks good, click Publishing at the bottom of the chart. You will then enter who you want the chart to be available to, give the chart a name, and click Publish! The chart will then be available in the dashboard.


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