


The Homepage is a place to see quick filters, reports, and charts all in one place. By default, the Homepage will have an address search bar and it will display your system reports. To access your Homepage, click the house icon image-20240229-170148.png in the top-right corner of TreeKeeper.

Your Homepage, by default, will look something like the one you see below. You can customize your Homepage by adding and removing reports, charts, and filters, which we will get into next.


Adding a Report to the Homepage

When creating or editing a report, you will see the image-20250121-192719.png button. Clicking this will add that report to your personal Homepage. If it's displayed with a check mark next to the house icon, that means the report has already been added to your Homepage. Clicking the button in that state will remove the report from your Homepage.

The image-20250121-192749.png button will add the report to the the Homepage for everyone in the group chose in the Shared with… box directly above.

For more information on reports, see Report Builder.


Adding a Chart

With any existing report, you can view it as a chart instead of a table. To do this select View as Chart in the upper right-hand corner of the report page.


You can then configure how you want the chart to display by choosing the:

  1. Attribute – the attribute you want the chart to display.

  2. Aggregate – how you want to aggregate the data.

  3. Chart Type – the type of chart.

    1. Bubble Chart

    2. Pie Chart

    3. Bar Graph

  4. Top Rows – the number of items you want to see on the chart.

    1. 5

    2. 10

    3. 25

    4. ALL

Once you set the Attribute, Aggregate, Chart Type, and Top Rows, click on Build Chart and the chart will appear.
You can then click on the Publishing button at the bottom right of your screen to publish the chart to your Dashboard and add it to your Homepage.

he window below will appear where you can specify who you want the Dashboard chart to be shared with and add the chart to your Homepage by clicking Add to Homepage or to the specified group’s Homepage by clicking Share to Homepage for Selected Group. Once that is done, you can give the Dashboard chart a name and click Publish!


Adding a Quick Filter to your Homepage

To add a quick filter to your Homepage, select the quick filter from within the Search panel, then click the house icon with the tooltip Add to Homepage.


For more information on quick filters see: Quick Filters

Adding an Alert Quick Filter to your Homepage

You can add an Alert Quick Filter to your Homepage from the Quick Filters section of the Search panel. Alert quick filters will automatically open your Homepage when you open TreeKeeper, given the search returns at least one result.

A possible application of this feature would be creating a quick filter that finds requested work for a certain work crew. When a user logs in and they have requested work, their Homepage would automatically open telling them how many work records are requested and allows them to click on the quick filter to run the search, select the sites on the map and populate the data grid. Of course, there could be many other uses for this feature, so shoot for the moon!

To create an Alert, select the quick filter that you want to turn into and Alert and then click the bell icon below the filter.




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