


The search tool is how you can query data in your inventory and find the information you are looking for. The search panel can be opened by clicking on the magnifying glass icon image-20250121-163030.png in the sidebar. This will reveal options to specify your search criteria or choose a quick filter. After submitting a search, all results will be displayed as selected on the map and their data will populate the Data Grid.

The sections below will go over the different areas of the search panel.

Search Panel Functions




A - Specify Layers

For systems with multiple data layers, you can select which one you want to run a search on.

B - Information Tabs

Site information is not the only thing that can be searched on. You can also choose between searching on Calls, Work Records, and Work Orders.

C - Classes

Attributes are typically grouped into classes based on what the attribute represents. For example, Site contains information about the location of the site, Species containg information about the tree at the site, and Risk containg information related to a risk assessment. Clicking on a class will expand it and reveal the attributes to search on.

D - Search Functions

Submit – Clicking on this will submit the search, displaying the matching sites as selected on the map and populating the Data Grid with their information.

Clear Form – Clicking on this will remove all search criteria. This is a good practice when running a new search as it gives you a clean slate and prevents any lingering criteria from impacting the search results.

E - Quick Filters

This section is where you can run a Quick Filter or create a new one. For more information, see Quick Filters.

F - Refresh Search Panel

If a list value was added to an attribute list, you can use this button to refresh the search panel and make it available to search on. This also clears all search criteria.

Numeric Search

Numeric fields have a toggle that allows you to switch between searching between a range of numbers or searching for an Exact Value.


Unassigned Data

Some fields have an option to include unassigned data in the search results, located just below the attribute. This allows you to see if there are any fields that still need to be assigned.

Search Within Map Selected Set

If there are sites selected on the map, the Search Within Map Selected Set checkbox will appear just above the Clear Form and Submit buttons. This allows you to search within that selected set instead of searching on the whole inventory.


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