Building a Custom Report

Building a Custom Report


This document describes the steps involved in creating a report in TreeKeeper’s Report Builder as well as some exporting and publishing options.

Report Settings

After clicking the Report-New.png button (located below the report list in the Report Builder), you’ll be prompted to give the report a name. We recommend a name that gives a clear description of what will be included in the report (possibly including the data layer name in systems having more than one).


You’ll then be able to set several settings like who can see the report, how it interacts with your current map selection, and more.


A - Shared with… – This allows you to adjust who can view the report you are creating.

B - Add to Homepage – Adds the report to your Homepage.

C - Share to Homepage for Selected Group – Adds the report to the Homepage for all users in the group you have shared the report with.

D - Default Map Filter – This allows you to chose which sites will be included in the report results.

  1. No Map Filter – All sites. Report generates results without regard to which sites are selected on the map or queued.

  2. Map Selected – Selected sites. Report results are filtered down to only sites that are selected on the map.

  3. Grid Queued – Queued sites. Report results are filtered down to only sites that are queued in your data grid (checkmarked).

E - Data Layer – Allows you to choose the data layer you want to pull data from for you report. A report cannot pull from more than one Data Layer at a time.

F - Focus On – After choosing your Data Layer, this option has you choose the data type to focus on. You can choose between Site, Calls or Work. Like Data Layer, you can only Focus on one attribute type.

  1. Site – allows you to report on Site attributes only.

  2. Calls – allows you to report on Site and Call attributes.

  3. Work – allows you report on Site, Call, and Work attributes in the same report.

G - Save Report – Saves the report / changes made to the report. Clicking the check mark in the center of the screen after saving the report allows you to view it.

H - Delete Report Deletes the report. Can be done as it's being created or while editing an existing report.


Once the settings at the top of the report are ironed out, you will be presented with additional options below. The Type, Attributes, and Criteria sections are where you determine how the report is presented and what data is included in the report.


A - Type Here is where you select what type of report you would like to make. Clicking on the banner will reveal the two options below.

B - Listing Report – The report will include a row for every record that matches the specified criteria. 

C - Summary Report – Using the attributes specified in the section below, the report will include a row for each attribute list value combination and the count of sites that have that combination.

D - Attributes Attributes are the data fields that you want to show in the report. You can add one or many attributes to the report as well as adjust the how the report is sorted.

When specified, attributes in the Report Builder are always sorted in ascending order. If Sort By = 0, the report will not be sorted on that attribute. When setting Sort By to any number > 1, the Report Builder will use those numbers as a rank, determining the order in which the report is sorted by the specified attributes.

Example: See the image below. This report will first be sorted by Street in ascending order (Sort By = 1), then by Address in ascending order (Sort By = 2). It will not sort by Site ID at all (Sort By = 0).


E - Criteria – The Criteria section allows you to filter down the data in the report.



Once a report has been created, you can export the results in three different formats: Excel file, CSV, or PDF.

See Exporting Report Data for more information.

Adding Reports to your Dashboard

To add a custom report to the dashboard, click the Publishing button while viewing a report. This will bring up a window where you can adjust who can see the report on their dashboard and the title of the report in the dashboard.

For more information, see Publishing a Report to the Dashboard .



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