Work Crew Management


Work Crew Management deals with who is assigned work records. A work crew can be used to calculate the cost of a work record and can also be used to limit a contractor-level account's ability to edit certain work records.

Managing Crews

Adding a Crew

To add a new work crew, click the button at the bottom of the Work Crew List Management window.

In the following Add Work Crew List Value page, you can enter a name for the work crew and an hourly rate.

Hourly Rate – this number can be (but doesn’t have to be) used to caluclate the cost of a Work Record.

Deleting a Crew

It is not recommended to outright delete a crew unless they have no work records assigned to them. Instead, we recommend editing the crew and marking it as not active.

Setting Crew Active? = No will preserve all data and you will still be able to search and report on the crew. This will, however, prevent a user from assigning a work record to the crew going forward.

Contractors & Work Crews

Contractor-level user accounts have a few unique permissions and functionality when it comes to Work Crews. When creating or editing a contractor-level user account, you can add that user to one or many Work Crews. Building off of that, a contractor can only edit Work Records that are assigned to a Work Crew that the user belongs to.

With that said, it will be important for you to ensure Contractor-level users are assigned to the correct Work Crews, and that Work Records are assigned to the correct Work Crews.

For more information, see Contractor.